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"Mrs. Mak has helped and taught me a lot during my Primary 5 and 6 in La Salle Primary School. She is really dedicated in teaching and is a good teacher who is really good at what she does. Not only has she taught us how to perform well in exams, she is also appreciated for imparting good values  to her students and nurturing them into fine young men."
— Justin Tse, Juris Doctor, Macquarie University, Australia (2018) 

"Auntie Mak was a very dedicated and helpful mentor for me during my formative years as a primary school student. The foundation she set for me early on allowed me to flourish in my later education and I'm thoroughly grateful for her .  I wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors!"
— Jerold Chu, La Salle Primary School (2007), Winchester College (2014) and University of Bristol (2018)

"It is my pleasure to endorse Mrs. Mak’s candidacy, as she continues to pursue her career dedicated to teaching and lifelong learning. Throughout my time in primary school, Mrs. Mak had demonstrated great intellectual capacity as well as enthusiasm to help all students develop a solid foundation for classroom success and make smooth transitions to secondary school. I am confident that such momentum will remain and more will benefit from her hard work. "

— Jeffrey Abdullah, La Salle Primary School (2007), La Salle College,

Graduate in Law, Lancaster University, U.K.

Studying Dentistry in Queen’s University, Belfast, U.K.

"小四時已開始在讀書郎勤習坊補習,在Auntie Mak的指導下,成績顯著進步,排名由band 2升上band 1,小五呈分試中文閱讀卷更取得98分佳績,最終如願以償、順利升讀喇沙書院。

Auntie Mak教導有方、因材施教,而且誨人不倦,是我的終生良師。"
— 奚文晉, 喇沙書院(2015)

"我在小學五年級開始在讀書郎勤習坊補習,當年的我是一個不努力向學和懶惰的孩子。幸而經過Auntie Mak 得悉心教導下,我終於在小六呈分試取得band 1 佳績,升讀喇沙書院。現在回憶起來真的要感激Auntie Mak 的教導之恩。"​
— 梁兆亨, 喇沙書院(2018)

"在喇沙小學小三的時候,我在班裏的成績是排名第24,我十分擔憂升不上理想的中學。後來我到讀書郎勤習坊補習,在那裡補習了3年。每天做完功課後,Auntie Mak會給我一些練習。這些練習令我能夠多角度思考和增強我的答題技巧,並提升我的答題速度。在小五和小六三次呈分試的成績,我在班裏的名次一直保持在前10名內,終於以Band 1成績成功升上喇沙書院。Auntie Mak的確功不可沒啊!"​
— 梁嘉瑋, 喇沙書院

"Auntie Mak, 時間過得真快,回想Matthew小二來讀書郎勤習坊補習,雖不是昨天發生一樣,但感覺不遠。這幾年來很多謝你不單教導Matthew書本上知識,亦教他做人的道理,因Matthew有些情緒問題,帶給你和Uncle Mak不小麻煩,在此致歉。讀書郎勤習坊在喇沙小學裏非常出名,全因你和Uncle Mak 那份教學熱誠,市面上根本沒有這樣的補習社,不計較時間衹望能替學生完成工作,希望你和Uncle Mak 亦繼續努力,造福Matthew等各人,希望他能吸收到你們傳授的寶貴知識,繼續努力,面對挑戰。謝謝!"
— 喇沙小學小六家長 盧醫生


“l am a full-time working professional. I am very thankful to have known Auntie Mak. Auntie Mak is a very responsible and caring tutor. She takes care of her students' homework as well as exam preparation. With her training, my son develops self-discipline and the right attitude towards his learning.

Without Auntie, I don't think I would have been so calm and relax when my son was in upper primary school. 

Thank you Auntie!”

— Dr. Chan


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